I am a well rounded person, I feel. I have a general curiosity for life and still childish wonders, I possess so much potential but keep myself humble, and I wish the best for everyone in this world while also focusing on the best for myself. I laugh and make others laugh, I cry and at times make others cry, I love and make others love, I dislike and make others dislike... I am human, I am a woman, I am a girl, I am me.
Throughout life we go through what has been theorized as psychological and physical stages. Most every person goes through the same stages, perhaps not at the same time, and not in the same way due to different environments. Parents peers and society put pressures on us as we grow. But eventually we become the people that we are going to be for the rest of our lives and ultimately we are the only ones that can control that.
There is only one person that has control of our actions, one person that has control of our futures and none of our pasts. One person who knows everything about us, every action we take or contemplate taking, and every thought we have ever had. The one person that truly knows who we are and who we want to be and judges us wholly on those facts. In many societies and cultures there are variations of this person but in most Christian religions this person is God. The following words are not intended to discredit anyone's beliefs or views, I am simply stating mine as everyone is allowed the right to choose what they believe. Because that is just it, a right. Rights are important and I think some people have a gross misunderstanding of the word right. There is one person in the world that has the right to control you and that is not God it is You. I feel like the idea of God is the idea of one's conscience. And God, to me, is an acronym, Governing One's Decisions, GOD. I don't need a back story, I don't need a building to be in, and I do not need other people telling me how to act think and feel. There is a simple right and wrong in the world and our conscience helps guide us away from the wrong. When it falters there are laws in place to help us stay the course. I try to be a decent person, an honest person, and a thoughtful person. Because while I am the only person in control of my life there are 7 billion others on this planet just like mine.
Again, I am not discrediting God or Church because in ways it is helpful to have something that keeps you honest. The conviction that religion holds is just what some people need. Either way, we all have the ability of free thought and in America we are given the right of choice. Whatever it is that you believe, don't forget that your conscience is truly what governs you. You are the only person that can control you, and you can't control anyone else.
You have put a lot of work in on your blog. Don't forget that when it comes to religion, many people believe that their soul is at stake and God is for more than just guidance. Many people believe that God created them and that they need to earn a place in heaven. It is funny that religions distinguish between their God and someone elses, or their prophets and someone elses, and as you said, it all comes down to being decent and mindful of the other people on earth. Nice bike